The Solar Eclipse of 2024 is right around the corner! There’s still time to make plans to travel in your new or used RV to visit the path of totality if you haven’t already! Here are some RV tips for seeing the solar eclipse this year.

Prioritize Reservations
Make reservations today. We repeat: make them today. Solar eclipses attract thousands and thousands of eclipse chasers, so making a reservation at a campground soon and early is absolutely essential. Stop what you’re doing (reading this blog!) to make reservations and come back to read it. We’ll wait.
Plan to View it Safely and Comfortably
Viewing the solar eclipse is an absolutely unforgettable experience, but it should be a good one – and not one that results in severe vision damage from looking at the sun without protection. Make sure you purchase special eclipse viewing glasses. You’ll want to wear them during all of the pre- and post-eclipse phases, and any partial phase except for the exact few seconds of totality when it’s safe to remove them.
Also, make sure you pack sunscreen, lawn chairs, bottled water, and insect repellant. The most impressive stages of the eclipse only last for about 6 minutes, but the earlier and later stages can last around an hour.
Seeing the sun vanish from the sky before your very eyes might be a once in a lifetime experience. One website describes it this way:
“Seeing a total solar eclipse is like nothing you’ve seen before. When you look at the totally eclipsed Sun, you will see the blackest black where the Moon is, surrounded by the Sun’s everchanging and ethereal outer atmosphere, the corona. The quality of light at the moment when totality begins is stupendous with an amazing show of iridescence, scintillation, and delicate colors.
While the sky will not be as dark as night, as the Moon’s shadow approaches, the light will rapidly change. A few minutes before totality, it will seem like an eerie dim daylight. As totality begins, it will shift to a deep twilight. It’s like nothing you’ve seen before.”
We also recommend having a live stream up and running in case Mother Nature decides to be uncooperative and gives you clouds or rain that day.
Before You Go
Schedule some RV service before you go! You want to travel with the peace of mind knowing you can reach your destination safely, without incident or delay. We can help. Contact us today!