5 Handy RV Tips for Spring Camping

Spring is here and it’s time to get your new or used RV ready for the first camping trips of the season! Each season brings its own advantages, but the transition in between season can present you with some challenges if you’re not prepared. Take a look at our RV tips for spring camping below, and start packing your bags!

Test Run Your Gear

There’s nothing more frustrating than setting up your camping gear and realizing you’re lacking a piece of hardware, straps, or any other essential piece. Or realizing that setting something up requires way more hands than you thought. Give your new camping gear a dry run by setting it up at home, checking to make sure all pieces are included, and know how much help you’ll need for this or that task. This will save you lots of time when you’re setting up camp, and cut down on frustration if you find yourself setting up as the sun goes down.

RV Tips

Respect Mother Nature

…Because she does what she wants! You’ll want to check the extended forecast several times before you leave, and pack for a variety of weather situations. Spring weather can be quite the dramatic traveling partner, and you can go from warm and balmy to a freezing cold downpour in the blink of an eye. Pack your clothes and gear accordingly. Make sure to bring lightweight layers, rain jackets and ponchos, weather resistant boots, and loads of extra socks.

RV Tips

To that end, you’ll also want to prioritize keeping your phone and other electronics safe and dry. Since some form of technology is with most people at all times, keep it safely secured in an inner, dry pocket. When you do have it out but not in use, don’t leave it exposed to cold air (this zaps a battery). And use waterproof sleeves if you’re heading out for an early morning kayak excursion or any other activities where accidental submersion is a possibility.

Expect Mud

Now, despite all of our tips for staying dry on a rainy day, the reality is that you’re probably still going to get a little muddy and dirty. This is okay. Expect it. Use your RV’s outdoor shower to rinse off excess mud and dirt so it’s not tracked inside, and keep a stash of old towels at the entry way to use as makeshift doormats and to quickly wipe or dry off anything the outside faucet missed.

RV Tips

Also Expect Pollen. And Bugs.

Spring is a time of rebirth! That includes spring foliage and bugs coming out of their cozy winter nap. Despite temperatures still being on the cool side, you’ll want to pack along insect repellant and any allergy medication you may need. Pollen doesn’t have to be visible to still wreak havoc on your sinuses. Also, while you might be acclimated to the allergens in your own region, other allergens elsewhere may throw you for a loop. So if you’re traveling any distance, pack allergy medication just in case.

RV Tips

The Most Wonderful Time of Year!

Rain, mud, bugs, and pollen are harbingers of spring, but with them come fantastic memories. Keep your eyes open and seize the moment. Rainy days and mud puddles will present irresistible opportunities for your kids, while freshly emerging flowers and the insects that find them are nature’s tiny miracles and yours for the photographing. Spring camping can provide you with some of the most wonderful and fun moments with your family.

RV Tips

Contact us today. We can help you choose the right new or used RV that has the amenities your family needs for camping comfortably in any season!

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